Fellowship — Division of Rehabilitation Psychology

Post-Doctoral Fellowship 

Division 22 is pleased to provide information about post-doctoral Rehabilitation Psychology training programs in the United States and Canada. The information is submitted by training programs and is intended to provide users with introductory information about post-doctoral training programs.

Council of Rehabilitation Psychology Postdoctoral Training Programs

The Council of Rehabilitation Psychology Postdoctoral Training Programs (CRPPTP) is a membership body open to any and all postdoctoral training programs that prepare professional psychologists for practice in the field of Rehabilitation Psychology. The Council seeks to facilitate maximum training program participation while also encouraging and supporting best practices.

Learning About Sites

For a comprehensive list of postdoctoral fellowship programs that are members of the Council of Rehabilitation Psychology Postdoctoral Training Programs (CRPPTP), click here. For more information about CRPPTP, visit the external CRPPTP website.

The Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (AAPIC) directory provides information about post-doctoral internships with an emphasis in Rehabilitation Psychology.

  • Type ‘rehabilitation’ in the Keywords search field

  • To limit the results to only post-doctoral internships select ‘post-doctoral’ in the program type drop menu. You may only get a limited selection with this procedure.

  • On the APPIC directory page, open the "Search by Program Criteria" section and in the "Training Opportunities" box and enter “Rehabilitation Psychology” to get a more expanded list. Of course, other site descriptions can be added as well to refine the search.

list of rehabilitation psychology post-doctoral training sites (Last updated 2020)

If you are a representative of a program and would like to update the information on the spreadsheet please contact Dr. William Stiers.

Please contact the programs directly for the most current program information.

More descriptive information about APPIC can be found here.

Applying to Sites

APPA CAS is the APPIC Psychology Post-Doctoral Application online Centralized Application System (CAS) for post-doctoral psychology fellowships. It is available to both APPIC and non-APPIC programs, and is completely voluntary. However, some post-doctoral programs may continue to use their own application process, so please inquire at each desired site.

The site can be reached here.

If applicants have questions or concerns regarding the online application (e.g., how the system works, difficulty navigating the application, technical support) users should contact APPA CAS customer support at (617) 612-2061 or appacasinfo@appacas.org.

If a program director or an applicant has questions regarding APPIC policy, eligibility, or possible membership, they should contact APPIC Board member, Wayne Siegel, PhD, ABPP.


The Craig H. Neilsen Foundation is dedicated to research and programs to improve the quality of life for people living with spinal cord injury.

The Craig H. Neilsen Foundation is dedicated to research and programs to improve the quality of life for people living with spinal cord injury.

The Craig H. Neilsen Foundation’s Psychosocial Research grants program funds fellowships for postdocs conducting and/or interested in conducting research on the influence of psychological and social factors on the health, functioning or quality of life for individuals living with spinal cord injuries. Two-year fellowships for a total maximum of $150,000 are typically awarded each year. To learn about the funding categories, eligibility criteria, deadlines, and to review the Psychosocial Research Grant Application Guide visit www.chnfoundation.org. For more information on this portfolio, contact the Program Officer, Joy Guihama.