Employment Opportunities — Division of Rehabilitation Psychology

Job Opportunity Posts to Listserv

Division 22 encourages those with open positions to post them on the Rehab Psych Listserv (see Division 22 email list for more information) using the subject line format of “JOB: xxxxxxx.” In this manner, job applicants can search the listserv by using the search term “JOB” at any time to see what positions become available and when they were posted. 

Please minimize the use of extensive formatting when posting to the Listserv. Bullet and numbered lists, images, changes in font size, color or style (bold, italics, underlined), may be automatically stripped by the listserv system, resulting in a confusing post.

If you are a member of Division 22, please post your job opening to the Rehab Psych Listserv using the format above in the subject line. This is the fastest manner to post an open position.

If you are not a member of Division 22 please send the job listing to the Division 22 listserv administrator, and it will be posted for you. The preferred format for the listing is an email (i.e., not an attachment). Please ensure that your contact information for the position is included in the body of the email. Please expect up to a 7-day delay as the listserv is not moderated on a daily basis.

Posting a job to the Division 22 listserv is free.