Journal: Rehabilitation Psychology — Division of Rehabilitation Psychology

Rehabilitation Psychology

Rehabilitation Psychology is the official publication of Division 22 of the American Psychological Association.

Editor: Dawn Ehde, PhD

Rehabilitation Psychology is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles in furtherance of the mission of Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology) of the APA and to advance the science and practice of Rehabilitation Psychology.

Rehabilitation psychologists consider the entire network of biological, psychological, social, environmental, and political factors that affect the functioning of persons with disabilities or chronic health conditions. Given the breadth of Rehabilitation Psychology, the journal's scope is broadly defined. Suitable submissions include papers describing experimental investigations, survey research, evaluations of specific interventions, outcome studies, historical perspectives, relevant public policy issues, conceptual/theoretical formulations with implications for clinical practice, reviews of empirical research, detailed case studies, and professional issues.

Papers will be evaluated for their importance to the field, scientific rigor, novelty, suitability for the journal, and clarity of writing. The primary determinant of editorial decisions is whether the paper enlarges both the understanding of important psychological problems in rehabilitation and the capacity to offer effective assistance in ameliorating those problems.

  1. All new submissions and reviews for those submissions will use Editorial Manager. All users (authors, reviewers) must be registered with the system in order to login. The submission portal will remain unchanged.

Learn more about the journal, instructions for authors, and special issues!

Word from the Editor

Welcome to the Word from the RP Editor. The editorial team will occassionally post on a range of topics, including highlights from the journal Table of Contents, tips on submitting quality manuscripts, improving scientific writing, reminders on key points of APA style, or other matters to improve scholarship in Rehabilitation Psychology.

Scholarly Tip - When getting started on a paper consider six questions:

  1. What do I have to say?

  2. Is the paper worth writing?

  3. Have I already published such a paper?

  4. What is the right format?

  5. Who are the audience for this message?

  6. What is the right journal for the paper?

Adapted from Huth, 2nd ed. 1990

Manuscript Submission Portal

Manuscripts are always welcome through our manuscript submission portal.

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