The Council of Rehabilitation Psychology Postdoctoral Training Programs is a membership body open to any and all postdoctoral training programs that prepare professional psychologists for practice in the field of Rehabilitation Psychology. The Council seeks to facilitate maximum training program participation while also encouraging and supporting best practices.
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Why join CRPPTP?
Health-care professional training relies on external review and support to develop and maintain state-of-the-art programs that incorporate national standards, utilize best-practice methods, and implement empirical quality assurance practices. This is a difficult task for any individual training program to undertake, and programs benefit from involvement in training councils that can provide resources and assistance in these undertakings. Similar to all specialty psychology training councils, CRPPTP functions to promote state-of-the-art education and training in Rehabilitation Psychology. CRPPTP members benefit by receiving:
Help in developing and maintaining a Rehabilitation Psychology residency training program
Assistance in implementing specialty-specific competency-based curricula
Support in the professional development of Rehabilitation Psychology faculty
Information regarding best-practices in Rehabilitation Psychology training
Opportunities to meet and develop networks with others involved in specialty-specific postgraduate training
Assistance in developing empirical, quality-assurance evaluation methods