Leonard Diller Award Lecture — Division of Rehabilitation Psychology

Leonard Diller Award Lecture

Invited lecture at the RP Midwinter Conference* of a rehabilitation psychologist who has made significant scholarly contributions and achievements in neurorehabilitation.

Past Awardees:

1998: George Prigatano, Ph.D., ABPP, Barrow Neurological Institute, Impaired Awareness, Finger Tapping, and Rehabilitation Outcome After Brain Injury

1999: Yehuda Ben-Yishay, PhD, Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Examined Lives: Outcomes After Holistic Rehabilitation

2000: Denise Tate, Ph.D., ABPP, University of Michigan, Hospital to Community: Changes in Practice and Outcomes

2001: Edward Taub, Ph.D., University of Alabama Birmingham, Constraint-Induced (CI) Therapy: An Overview

2002: Mitch Rosenthal, Ph.D., ABPP, Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research Corp., Bridging Rehabilitation Psychology and Neuropsychology to Achieve Optimal    Outcomes in Brain Injury Rehabilitation (at RP2003 conference)

2003: Beatrice Wright, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Diller Honorary Lecture: A Personal Photo Journey

2004: J. Scott Richards, Ph.D., ABPP, University of Alabama Birmingham,             Spinal Cord Injury Pain: Impact, Classification, Treatment Trends, and Implications From Translational Research

2005: Jeffrey Kreutzer, Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University, All I really need to know I learned from patients and their families

2006: Erin Bigler, Ph.D., Bingham Young University, Advances in Neuroimaging and Traumatic Brain Injury

2007: John Corrigan, Ph.D., ABPP, The Ohio State University; New Developments in Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury

2008: Wayne Gordon, Ph.D., ABPP, Mount Sinai Hospital, A 40-Year Perspective on Cognitive Rehabilitation

2009: Leonard Diller, Ph.D., ABPP-CN, Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Rehabilitation Psychology: A Subjective View

2010: Mary Hibbard, Ph.D., ABPP, Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Expanding Rehabilitation Psychology to Other Nations: Challenges and Rewards

2011: Tessa Hart, Ph.D., Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute, Theories for Rehabilitation: What and Why?

2012: Jacobus Donders, PhD, ABPP, Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital, Pediatric Rehabilitation: Snake Oil or Science

2013: James Malec, Ph.D., Indiana University School of Medicine, Post-hospital brain injury rehabilitation: Types of programs and their effectiveness

2014: Mark Sherer, PhD, ABPP-CN, FACRM, TIRR Hermann Memorial, Factors that Predict Community Integration Outcomes for Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury

2015: Keith D. Cicerone, Ph.D., ABPP-CN, FACRM, Johnson Rehabilitation Institute, What is the Object of Cognitive Rehabilitation?

2016: Bruce Caplan, Ph.D., ABPP, Independent Practice, A Little of This and a Little of That: Grandma, Lenny, and me

2017: Seth Warschausky, Ph.D. University of Michigan, Motivation and Executive Control in the Transition to Health Self-Management

2018: Alan L. Goldberg, Psy.D., ABPP; J.D., Legal Beagle? Service & Emotional Support Animals, Law, & Psychological Practice

2019: Janet P. Niemeier, Ph.D., ABPP (RP), Carolinas Healthcare System, Charlotte, NC, The Devil, and Beneficence, are in the Details: Personalized Cognitive Rehabilitation Through Rigor and Transparency in Brain Injury Research 

2020: Karlene Ball, PhD, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Translating the Improvement of Cognitive Function to Everyday Tasks in Older Adults

2021: Tom Kerkoff, Ph.D., ABPP (Rp), Virginia Commonwealth University

2022: Jacqueline Kaufman, Ph.D., Functional Neurological Assessments: My Accidental Career in Rehabilitation Psychology